Category Archives: News


In 2018, Congress enacted the “Safe Sport Act” which was ultimately signed into law requiring adults who are being involved in youth sports to receive training on sexual abuse. This applies to referees.  In order for SC Referees to become compliant, each referee who is an adult and who will …

2017 Greensboro Region III Delegation


Back:  Matthew Hinman, Greg Baltyn, Jack Collins, Ed Waddell, Warren Woody

Middle: Cameron Clark, Oliva Urig, Jack Schultz, Frank Kucinic

Front: Dallas Rosier, Joshua Picillo, Izlen Peksenar, James Felluca…

Developmental Academy 13/14 East Regional Showcase

da20161028_30Winston-Salem, NC: L to R; Matt Hinman, Ed Waddell, Olivia Urig, Brigitte Rosier, Izlen Peksenar and Nate Mitchell were selected and attended the Developmental Academy 13/14 East Regional Showcase at BB&T Soccer Park on 28, 29 & 30 October hosted by US Soccer. Every match was filmed and national assessors …