For each of the following leagues, a “league sheet” is presented to include the rules and regulations for that league and the referee payment schedule for the games in that league. Feel free to print them off or download them.

Youth Leagues

  • Coastal League

    Age Half Length Halftime Ball
    U8-10 25 10 4
    U11-12 30 10 4
    U13-14 35 10 5
    Age Center AR Team Total
    U8-10 $24 NA $24
    U11-12 $22 $14 $36
  • Presidents Medal Soccer League (PMSL)

    Age Half Length Halftime Ball
    U13-14 35 10 5
    U15-16 40 10 5
    U17-18 45 10 5
    Age Center AR Team Total
    U13-14 $34 $23 $40
    U15-16 $40 $30 $50
    U17-18 $50 $35 $60
  • SC State Challenge League (SCSCL)

    Age Half Length Halftime Ball
    U13-14 35 10 5
    U15-16 40 10 5
    U17-18 45 10 5
    Age Center AR Team Total
    U13-14 $40 $30 $50
    U15-16 $50 $35 $60
    U17-18 $60 $40 $70
  • Sandlapper League

    Age Half Length Halftime Ball
    U8-10 25 10 4
    U11-12 30 10 4
    Age Center AR Team Total
    U8-10 $20 NA $20
    U11-12 $22 $12 $23
  • Region 3 Premier League

    Age Half Length Halftime Ball
    U13-14 35 10 5
    U15-16 40 10 5
    U17-18 45 10 5
    Age Center AR Team Total
    U13-14 $40 $25 $45
    U15-16 $50 $30 $55
    U17-18 $60 $40 $70
  • Region 3 East Premier League

     Age Half Length Halftime Ball
     U13-14 35 10 5
     U15-16 40 10 5
     U17-18 45 10 5
     Age Center AR Team Total
     U13-14 $40 $25 $45
     U15-16 $50 $30 $55
     U17-18 $60 $40 $70