Initial Referee Classes…this is the class for all officials getting certified for the first time. You must be at least 13 years old to register for the clinic.
Please remember that the minimum age to certify is 13 years old. This is a hardened age from US Soccer and the system will not allow anyone who is not already 13 years old to create an account.
There are multiple steps that must be completed in order to receive the Referee License:
- Register with the US Soccer Learning Center – click your preferred webinar date below for instructions on registration
- Complete online training modules in the US Soccer Learning Center BEFORE the webinar you registered for
- Attend the webinar – webinar link will be posted in the Course Details and distributed in the Communication tab
- Attend an on-field training session in your local area – this will be done some time after your webinar and further details are listed below and will be distributed after webinar completion.
Once all four of these activities are completed, the candidate will receive their referee badge and have their registration processed and will be ready to officiate.
Online Training Modules
There are five online modules that MUST be completed BEFORE attending the webinar. Three of these are completed by ALL candidates while the other two are completed by only those 18 years or older.
Following registration, all of these modules can be found under the Assignments tab in the course information. The course can be accessed by hovering over the Courses tab at the top of the US Soccer Learning Center and then clicking My Courses.
- Online Referee Course – these modules will introduce the candidates to the Laws of the Game. Please Note – these modules will take a minimum of 3-4 hours to complete.
- Referee Quiz – after completing the first module, this quiz needs to be taken
- Introduction to Safe & Healthy Playing Environments
- Laws of the Game Update 2024-25
- SafeSport – only required for those 18 years or older
- Background Screening – only required for those 18 years or older. Please Note – the background screening can take as much as 7-10 business days to come back so please complete this as soon as possible. While you will be able to attend the webinar while it is pending, it must come back BEFORE you attend a field session.
All modules MUST be completed three days BEFORE your scheduled course. Any candidate who has not completed all modules by that time, will be moved to an ongoing course in the Learning Center until the modules are complete and then they can be moved to a future scheduled webinar.
**ATTENTION** US Soccer recommends using the Google Chrome web browser for best performance. Also, if you do not plan to complete a specific module in one sitting, it is recommended that you save your progress and close the browser and then come back. Leaving the module open for an extended period of time may cause your progress not to save.
On-Field Training Session (only applicable to webinar candidates)
Following the completion of the webinar, all candidates will be required to complete an on-field training session. These will be conducted in the local area of the referee candidate. It is the hope that each area of the state will be able to provide at least one field session each month. It will be the responsibility of the candidate to reach out to the contact in their area to inquire about upcoming sessions. Specific contact information will be distributed at the end of the webinar.
After all of these components are completed, the referee will be given their badge and their registration will be processed.
Course/Webinar offerings (click each class link below for registration instructions)
For the courses marked as “webinar”, the candidate will complete the educational portion (webinar) on the date/time listed and then complete an in-person field session at a separate date/time that is scheduled on their own.
For the courses marked as “in-person”, the candidate will complete both the educational portion and on-field session on the date/time listed at the location listed.
Questions can be directed to
Sunday, February 23 – Webinar – 10AM – 1PM
Sunday, March 9 – Webinar – 4PM – 7PM
Saturday, March 22 – Webinar – 10AM – 1PM
Monday, March 24 – Webinar – 7PM – 10PM
Sunday, April 6 – Webinar – 1PM – 4PM
Monday, April 14 – Webinar – 7PM – 10PM
Saturday, April 26 – Webinar – 10AM – 1PM
Saturday, May 3 – Webinar – 10AM – 1PM
Sunday, May 4 – Webinar – 4PM – 7PM