The purpose of the State Referee Committee is to identify and develop officials for the game of soccer in South Carolina. It is understood and expected that not every official will be perfect in the task before them. When a situation arises of an official improperly enforcing the laws of the game or failing to act in a professional manner within the confines of the game, it falls upon the State Referee Committee to address these concerns.

The State Referee Committee does not recognize nor condone the practice of unilaterally refusing the services of any referee in our state by a sanctioned SCYS Club. The State Referee Committee is focused on corrective action in such matters where it is deemed appropriate. This belief is at the core of our mission to continue to develop our officials so they can positively contribute to this beautiful game.

The State Referee Committee expects all officials to abide by the Referee Code of Ethics as outlined by the United States Soccer Federation. Each soccer association in our state retains jurisdiction over its own scheduled matches. Any coach, administrator, parent, or player that is affiliated with South Carolina Youth Soccer should use the following procedure when filing a complaint or making a comment directed at a specific referee:

  1. Find the Area Referee Administrator in your area or the area where the match took place.
  2. Complete the form (PDF-Adobe) below and send it to the Area Referee Administrator from Step 1. If you have also filed a formal complaint to the South Carolina Youth Soccer  organization as well, please include a copy of that complaint also.
  3. The Area Referee Administrator (or designee) will contact you via email or phone within 72 hours of your filing.
  4. You will be advised as to the procedure following the submission of your complaint. It is important to note that complaints regarding bad calls such as misapplication of a rule or red card ejections, must be taken to the SCYS League Administrator as those situations may impact game outcome. Any decision by the SRC will have no bearing on the outcome of any match.
  5. The State Referee Committee, which includes representation from SCYS, will meet in person or by web or conference call within one week of the receipt of the complaint.
  6. If the facts of the complaint warrant the temporary absence of the referee in question from officiating then the local referee assignor will be contacted. It is also to be considered that a referee may be limited to the types of matches he or she may be assigned to until such time as a proper assessment of the referee’s skills and disposition during a match are evaluated.
  7. At no time will a referee be barred from any soccer complex or the officiating of any team or club until the foregoing steps have been completed. Even following this procedure, it will be the decision of the SRC and SCYS to determine the appropriate course of action in all these matters. It is important for all parties to receive communication at the conclusion of any matter preferably within 2 weeks of the initial complaint.

Submit this form – South Carolina Referee Comment Sheet