I will always maintain the utmost respect for the game of soccer.
I will conduct myself honorably at all times and maintain the dignity of my position.
I will always honor an assignment or any other contractual obligation.
I will attend training meetings and clinics so as to know the Laws of the Game, their proper interpretation and their application.
I will always strive to achieve maximum team work with my fellow officials.
I will be loyal to my fellow officials and never knowingly promote criticism of them.
I will be in good physical condition.
I will control the players effectively by being courteous and considerate without sacrificing fairness.
I will do my utmost to assist my fellow officials to better themselves and their work.
I will not make statements about any games except to clarify an interpretation of the Laws of the Game.
I will not discriminate against nor take undue advantage of any individual group on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
I consider it a privilege to be a part of the U.S. Soccer Federation and my actions will reflect credit upon that organization and its affiliates.