In 2018, Congress enacted the “Safe Sport Act” which was ultimately signed into law requiring adults who are being involved in youth sports to receive training on sexual abuse. This applies to referees.  In order for SC Referees to become compliant, each referee who is an adult and who will be working youth games must complete the SafeSport certification which is good for two years.  Our goal is to have this substantially completed my December 15, 2018.


  1. Go to:
  2. Click –  Sign In
  3. Click –  Register to create a new account  (Use your FULL name as registered with USSF)
  4. Select –  OFFICIAL  –  Not Coach, Admin, etc. – If you select more than just OFFICIAL as your type: you will be presented with a 4th module which you will have to complete instead of just the 3 listed below
  5. Click – Add Membership
  6. Select – U.S. Soccer
  7. Enter Access Code – YC3E-6P5G-YYIL-CS2M
  8. Receive onscreen message: Account Successfully Created
  9. Open the verification email sent to the address you typed when you registered
  10. Click – Confirm Email
  11. Sign In
  12. Re-Register/Update your original registration information (Most fields will auto-populate with your initial information)
  13. Complete ALL 3 Training Modules ( Approximately 30 minutes for each with required interaction ): Sexual Misconduct | Mandatory Reporting | Emotional and Physical Misconduct
  14. As you complete modules, you can download their individual certificates.  These are NOT required. AFTER completing all 3 modules you will have available the REQUIRED SafeSport Certificate (see below).  Just close the module to return to the “Dashboard” to select the next module.
  15. Upon completing (PASSING) the 3rd module, close it and return to the “Dashboard”.  The Official, “SAFESPORT TRAINED” certificate will now be an option for download.  Do so.
  16. Find the PDF file and RENAME it:  “Last Name”_”First Name”_”Middle Initial”_Safesport_”YearMonthDay (I.e. 20181109) (The date is the day you completed the third module and received the Certificate.  It will also be present on the certificate)
  17. Email the PDF certificate file to:  with a subject line of:   NAME and DATE OF COMPLETION (example: Subject: Joe Referee – November 2, 2018)
  18. SAVE a copy for yourself.  It is good for 2 calendar years from issue date

PDF Safesport Instructions here: SRC SafeSport