This is to certify that you, parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the participant under 18 years of age (“Minor”), in consideration for Minor’s opportunity to participate in U.S. Soccer and South Carolina Referee activities (the “Activity”), do hereby covenant with the United States Soccer Federation, Inc. (the “USSF”) and South Carolina Referees (“SCR”) that you, will not individually or as legal guardian of Minor, sue or bring any legal action or proceeding against USSF or SCR, any of USSF’s or SCR’s sponsors, legal representatives, successors or assigns, or any of the employees, officers, or directors of any of the foregoing (collectively, “Releasees”) for or on account of any injury, death, damage or loss (collectively, “Losses”) that Minor may sustain or suffer by virtue of, arising out of, or related to Minor’s presence at the Activity or the opportunity afforded to Minor by USSF and SCR.
You acknowledge that Minor’s presence at the Activity is without assumption of responsibility or risk of any kind by USSF or SCR, and USSF and SCR does not make any warranties of any kind with respect to Minor’s presence. You assume the risk of all conditions, dangerous or otherwise, arising from Minor’s presence at the Activity, and waive any and all specific notice of the existence of such conditions.
You further agree that in case of any action being brought for or on behalf of Minor on account of any Losses arising out of Minor’s presence at the Activity or the opportunity afforded to Minor by USSF or SCR, you will be personally responsible to, and agree to repay to, USSF and SCR and/or the Releasees and hold each of them harmless against any amounts recovered in connection with any such action and all related costs incurred.
It is your expressed intent that this waiver shall bind the members of your family and spouse, if you are alive, and your heirs, assigns and personal representative, if you are deceased, and shall be deemed as a release, waive and discharge of the above-named Releasees.
You understand that while participating in the Activity, Minor may be photographed, videotaped, or otherwise recorded and you agree that the Releasees may use Minor’s name and likeness (in any form and without regard to any alterations) in photographs, videotapes, audio tapes and other media, without any consideration to you, Minor, or to any third party.
This is a joint and several obligation of the parties hereto. You have carefully read the foregoing and understand the contents thereof. Minor’s registration for the Activity indicates your acknowledgment and agreement with the foregoing.
Referee Name (required)
Referee Contact Email (required)
I certify that I have read and agree to the Liability Waiver
This waiver is for referees under the age of 18 and shall be executed by a parent or legal guardian. Please enter that person's name and relationship below.
Full Name
Relationship To Referee